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- Factory Address: Hangzhou, China (No168,Wenhua road,Xiaoshan district,Hangzhou city,Zhejiang province)
- New York Office: New York, USA (#325W 38TH #204 2ND FL NY 10018)
In our basic color palette, we’ve produced 448 colors with corresponding yarn samples in stock, and theoretically, we can create 840 basic colors for customized shades for clients.
Corresponding to the digital version above, we have also prepared a physical color swatch book. It includes fabric samples made with our shadescolor™ yarns. Customers can contact us to obtain the fabric color code book.
Currently, there are 16 shadescolor™ fancy yarns in stock, and our collection is growing at an astonishing pace. Our professional team ensures that our unique designs stay ahead of the market trends.